Devo A Brown is a world renowned coach and consultant whose strength as a private counselor is in helping individuals and groups recognize barriers and conflicts, enhance their full range of assets as well as develop their own powerful ability to transcend any difficulty and flourish!
Devo's intuitive. friendly, no nonsense approach has developed from decades of counseling, coaching and personal experience. With a dynamic history as an international executive, author, engineer, scientist, spiritualist, musician, army veteran, film & t.v. actor, triathlete, skydiver and world traveling adventurer, his affinity for people is combined with a sensitivity for recognizing barriers to perfection and realizing potential inside and all around every person and situation. |
professional history... Executive Coach/Private Counselor; Malibu California/Worldwide Consultant, team advisor and private coach for corporate development and professional enhancement; international clientele. Psychology Coach/Advisor/Consultant; Southern California Area Multiple therapeutic modalities, 25+ years Spiritual Counseling Director; New Seasons Mental Health Services A comprehensive, private mental health facility specializing in behavioral health services for mentally, emotionally and developmentally challenged adults. V.P. of Human Resource Enhancement, European Market Development; Nitelife International worldwide, multi-dimensional live entertainment services corporation. Senior Director of Business Development; Entertainment Technologies and Programs Asia international promotion corporation. Coach/Consultant; NHL Players Assn. Health and Wellness Program Counselor, coach, athlete development, personal living enhancement. U.S. Army Veteran, Honorable discharge |